Following steps are available (not all are supported as of now):

Task Step Live?
Swap from ETH to STRK ( min 10$ liquidity in 1 txn) 1 N (no STRK pool)
Swap from USDC/ USDT to STRK ( min 10$ liquidity in 1 txn) 2 N (no STRK pool)
Swap from USDC/ USDT to ETH ( min 10$ liquidity in 1 txn) 3 Y
Add liquidity to STRK-ETH ( min 20 $ in 1 txn ) 4 N
Add liquidity to STRK-USDC ( min 20 $ in 1 txn ) 5 N
Add liquidity to ETH-USDC ( min 20 $ in 1 txn ) 6 Y
Add liquidity to USDC -USDT ( min 20 $ in 1 txn ) 7 Y
Deposit liquidity in at least 3 pools 8 Y

API URL:<step>

JSON Body: (be sure to add content-type: application/json)


Return value:

{"data": {"result": false}} when account given by address did not complete the task

{"data": {"result": true}} when account given by address did complete the task.


example for tasks which have been completed:

curl -d '{"address":"0x0486735fe43458f051f2270c05af973fc2bf12d586e1ce34d8bf2e89c0b925b0"}' <> -H 'content-type: application/json'
curl -d '{"address":"0x4270219d365d6b017231b52e92b3fb5d7c8378b05e9abc97724537a80e93b0f"}' <> -H 'content-type: application/json'